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04/11/2019   LincsFM Little School - Friday

Our Y2 pupils starred on LincsFMs Little School feature on Friday 1st November 2019.  Their feature can be listened to HERE


07/01/2019   Top 10 in the County 2018

Yet again we are delighted that our pupil's performance has been in the top 10 in the County. 

Please visit the Horncastle News to read their article on our achievement.

22/02/2018   Ofsted report

We are delighted to be able to publish our fantastic February Ofsted report.  Please click HERE to access the report.

23/01/2018   Top 10 in the County 2017

Excellent performance last year.  Please click on the following clink to read the Lincolnshire Echo's report.


04/11/2016   We are 'Outstanding' - It's Official!

We are thrilled and delighted to be able to tell you that our school has been rated as ‘OUTSTANDING’ following our recent Section 48 SIAMS Inspection.  SIAMS inspection focuses on the effect that the Christian ethos of the church school has on the children who attend it and to evaluate the distinctiveness and effectiveness of the school as a church school.

To celebrate we will be holding a Fun Day for the children on Thursday 1st December, when we will have circus skills, bouncy castles and Laser Quest activities in school for all of the children to take part in.

A copy of the Inspection Report will be emailed out to all parents/carers later today (Friday 4th November). If you would like a paper copy of this report, please speak to the school office.

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